10x10 HONG KONG: 21 NOVEMBER 2018
Pledges are now available for the HONG KONG event!
Please join us at our fourth installment of 10x10 Hong Kong in support of 3 young and unique grassroots charities!
Wednesday 21st November 2018
Doors open at 6:30pm, pitches will start at 7pm sharp
HKEX Exchange Auditorium (HKEX Connect Hall),
1/F One and two Exchange Square, Central
(To view a map of the location, please click here)
If you would like to attend the event, please purchase a ticket by clicking on the PLEDGE NOW button and selecting the amount of your pledge (minimum $1,000 pledge required for an event ticket, options up to $3,000 also available). If you want to purchase multiple event tickets, please just select the Pledge amount per ticket). Your Pledge purchase is converted to Charity dollars on the night, and it is 100% tax deductible.
If you are unable to attend on the night but would still like to support the event, you may still make a pledge to the charities by entering an amount of your choice.
10x10’s MISSION:
“To Empower the Next Generation of Giving”
- 10 volunteer committee members organise a charity event (1 x venue, 3 x charities, 3 x dragons, drinks & canapes).
- Each committee member invites at least 10 of their friends, family and colleagues to attend the event (10 x 10... get it?). Each guest pledges HK$1,000 or more to attend the event, creating a pool of at least HK$100,000.
- Upon arrival at the event, each attendee is given 'Charity Dollars' equal to the value of their ‘Pledge’.
- After drinks, snacks and networking, attendees are seated to watch the 3 charities pitch their unique cause, and listen to the panel of Dragons question the speakers on their business model, impact and future goals. The audience also have an opportunity to ask questions of the charities.
- After the pitches and friendly interrogation from the Dragons, each attendee then decides which charity they want to give their ‘Charity Dollars’ to.
- Charities receive 100% of the funds raised (minus a 10% project fee to 10x10 to cover admin and overhead costs).
- Guests can opt to receive a tax deductible receipt from the charity 4-6 weeks after the event.
For this event the committee members have chosen 3 exceptional charities who will be pitching their unique causes to you on the night:
- Sprouts Foundation
- Rooftop Republic
- The Brightly Project
Sprouts Foundation aims to break the cycle of inter-generational poverty, by providing education programs to some of the lowest-income families in Hong Kong and elsewhere. Our small-group, activity-based classes focus on enhancing children’s self-esteem and their interest in learning, by building skills relevant both to work and life. These include English and IT proficiency, as well as a wide range of professional capabilities including entrepreneurship. Combined with corporate visits and a variety of weekend outings, we help open our students’ eyes to the world and the many opportunities around them, and give them the capacity and confidence to reach out more ambitiously.
You can find out more about the work of Sprouts Foundation here:
Rooftop Republic Foundation is dedicated to building inclusive communities around urban farming and sustainable living in Hong Kong.
The Foundation works closely with:
(i) local schools to establish farm-based education programmes (projected to impact 1000+ students over the next 3-4 years)
(ii) disenfranchised groups, such as youth and the elderly, encouraging them to participate in the community through urban farming (30+ community programmes projected to impact 1000+ elderly over the next 3-4 years)
(iii) marginalised communities, including persons with special needs, to provide vocational job trainings and job placement in urban farming
Donations from this 10x10 event will go towards:
- rolling out training programmes (2 vocational training programes per year enrolling 30 students per cohort)
- creating a space to bring communities together including people with special needs
- creating urban farms for horticultural therapy
You can find out more about the work of Rooftop Republic here:
Lulio targets to prevent student suicides by empowering schools and their teachers to feel more confident, capable and knowledgeable in their efforts to proactively support students at risk of suicide.
Donations from this 10x10 event will go towards screening 4,000 students for suicide risk, and to work directly with four schools, who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford the services, to:
1. Identify where students are struggling and potential areas of risk
2. Provide data on mental health in their school
3. Based on the data, implement mental health and suicide prevention strategies and actions
4. Create a series of YouTube videos for students to learn more about mental health, how to understand and interpret their own feelings, and to decrease the stigma around asking for help
You can find out more about the work of The Brightly Project here:
How Do I Collect My Pledge?
Your Pledges will be available for collection at the venue on the night of the event. For a HK$1000 pledge, you'll receive two HK$500 charity vouchers which you can allocate across the charities however you please.
Options for HK$1500, HK$2000 and HK$3000 Pledges are also available which will give you additional vouchers.
Receipts can be issued by the charities for the full amount of the Pledge price following the event.
We look forward to seeing you at the event!
$1000 pledge
HK$1000 pledge will receive 2 x HK$500 charity vouchers to donate to your charity(ies) of choice.
$1500 pledge
HK$1500 pledge will receive 3 x HK$500 charity vouchers to donate to your charity(ies) of choice.
$2000 pledge
HK$2000 pledge will receive 4 x HK$500 charity vouchers to donate to your charity(ies) of choice.
HK$3000 pledge
HK$3000 pledge will receive 6 x HK$500 charity vouchers to donate to your charity(ies) of choice.